

If detachment were a commodity we'd be sold out

I've watched you-

followed your footsteps
searched for you eyes &
waited for a connection

I didn't need anymore than what you gave me

I never cared before
but now...

Your absence allows for
limitless degrees of conviction

you are the non existent-

a shadow;
a fiction.

And I owe it all to you.

The you I'll allow you to be.
You've become a reflection of me.

No one specifically-

just a shell of Humanity
and everything in between.

I've analyzed you & antagonized you.
I've praised and patronized you.

You are not just what you appear to be,
You are all that you want to be.

You aren't simply

the mistakes you've made
or the wars you've won.

You are enlightenment;
A spokesman for the sun.

And it's where you aren't
that matters now.

What you haven't done-
Who you will become.

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